Owner's Name:
    Home Phone:
    Cell Phone:
    Email Address:
    Dog's Name:
    MaleFemale Spayed/Neutered?
    Where did you get your dog?
    How old was your dog at the time?
    Please let us know how you heard about us. If you heard about us from a friend or a local business please let us know who so we can say "Thank you!" to them.
    Saw SignGoogleOther Internet SearchCouponA FriendOther
    *If you selected Other above, please specify:
    Class(es) you would like to enroll in:
    Class start date(s) and time(s):
    Please select the words that describe your dog:
    Please select any of the behaviors that might sometimes apply to your dog:
    Not HousetrainedDestructiveDoesn’t obeyDemand BarksEats non-food ItemsSeparation AnxietySubmissiveGrowlsChews excessivelyGuards house/yardRuns awayPredatoryMouthyJumps UpAttacks dogsFearfulBitesAttacks peopleDominantAnxiousBarks excessivelyFood thiefWorriedDigs
    Please select the four skills that your dog needs to improve on the most:
    Come when calledLeave itSitPolite greeting mannersPolite leash mannersGo to the rugObey you around distractionsDrop itStayDownWait at doors for you to go through first
    Please add anything else we should know about your dog:

    In the event that a class is cancelled, all fees collected will be fully refunded. Should any participant withdraw from a class, no refund will be given. No pro-rates are given for missed classes. You will be welcome to make up that class meeting either on a different day or during a different class series.


    I, the undersigned owner/handler of the dog described above, do hereby agree that Dana Mongillo, City Critters LLC (dba Fuzzy Buddy’s Dog Daycare), and all City Critters LLC employees and agents will not be liable for any damage or loss resulting from failure of the dog to respond to any cues or behaviors taught to them by City Critters LLC or resulting from counseling and advice supplied to the owners/handlers of the dog.

    The dog’s behavior now and in the future is solely the responsibility of the owners/ handlers of the dog. Should any behavior on the dog’s part now or in the future result in damage to the owner’s property or that of a third party, or result in bodily harm to the owners or a third party, owner agrees to assume full responsibility for any and all such damage, and to absolve Dana Mongillo, City Critters LLC, and all employees and agents of City Critters LLC from any and all obligations to pay such damage to owner/handler or a third party.

    I fully understand that attendance at a dog obedience class is not without risk to myself, my dog’s handler, my family, or my dog. I understand that if my dog shows aggression toward people or other dogs in the class, or is disruptive to the class, he is not a suitable candidate for group classes. In that event, I understand that we will be dismissed from class and a private session arranged.

    I have read the cancellation policy and liability release.

    The owner of this website has made a commitment to accessibility and inclusion, please report any problems that you encounter using the contact form on this website. This site uses the WP ADA Compliance Check plugin to enhance accessibility.