Thank You!
You will only hear from us if you requested a response OR if we need to add you to the
waiting list for a day you need.
Requests that come in on the weekend will not be processed until Monday. If your reservation is for Monday, don’t worry! Mondays are always slow so you can count on there being space.
Please drop off your dog before 2:45pm!
All cancellations should come in before 9 am on the day of in order to avoid the bad karma of the “No Show” list and potentially losing your standing reservations. If you have four No Shows in a four-week period, you will be charged for subsequent No Show days until two months have passed with no further No Shows. We have never had to act on the policy because our clients are AWESOME!!!!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email us, or call us at (206) 782-4321.