You are officially enrolled!
You will receive an email with further information a week before the first day of class.
All students: please go to the class materials page to check out your reading and homework!
The password is: mydogrocks
Puppy Students: Please bring a large quantity of very tiny, soft treats to class with you. You may want to bring a treat pouch or plastic bag for the treats so the treats are easy to access and don’t get your pockets messy. You will receive a free harness with your puppy class series enrollment. Your instructor will fit your puppy for it on your first day of class.
Basic Manners Students: Please bring a large quantity of tiny, soft treats to the remaining five classes. You may want to bring a treat pouch or plastic bag for the treats so the treats are easy to access and don’t get your pockets messy.
Advanced Manners Students: Meeting location at Green Lake is weather-dependent so you will receive an email the Wednesday before class with exact location and more details!
If you have trouble accessing the homework or have questions about the start date or time for your class, email us or call Dana at 206-234-7387.